
As each client will have various business needs, I will work with each client to determine
what tasks and projects Cornerstone Virtual Assistance may handle for his/her business.

Following is a partial listing of the tasks that
Cornerstone Virtual Assistance may manage for your business needs:

Shopping Carts and Autoresponders

Practice Pay Solutions Certification
Shopping Cart Certified Strategist obtained from Practice Pay Solutions

Setting up shopping carts
Adding products to shopping carts
Broadcasting newsletters and notices to subscribers
Creating autoresponders
Adding html coding generated by shopping cart to your website
Integrating account with shopping cart account



Certification obtained from Hootsuite University


Manage multiple social networks
Track summary, individual and Klout statistics
Embed streams on your website or blog
Send pictures and files


Book Publishing Support

Professional Author Assistant
Professional Author Assistant Certification

Researching services (editing, publishing, cover design, etc.)
Pre-interviewing service providers (editors, graphic artists, etc.)
Sending books and materials to book reviewers
Setting up eBook accounts
Assistance obtaining ISBN and LCCN



Preview and edit newsletter
Format and send newsletter
Set up an account for a client through a newsletter service
Apply for an ISSN for a client’s newsletter
Experience with MailChimp, 1ShoppingCart, Constant Contact, Vertical Response, iContact, Infusionsoft, Aweber

Website Maintenance

Update information
Add graphics, video and audio
Add a subscription box to a client’s website for newsletters
Create PDF files for documents to post on a client’s website
Create a “hidden” page on a client’s website for specific users only

Certified Article Writing Coach

Certification obtained from Jeff Herring, The Internet Article Guy
Assistance with optimizing titles
Review of resource box
Evaluation of article length and keywords
Online directory services for submitting articles


Certification obtained from 1st Podcast Publishing
Editing and mixing with music
Resources for podcasting

Presentation Support

Create a Speaker One sheet
Create materials to distribute to participants
Create a media kit
Create Power Point or Prezi

Management of Mailings (E-mail and U.S. Mail)

Responding to email inquiries
Preparing newsletters and correspondence for mailing to clients
Create an email address for general inquiry questions to be forwarded to me
Create/Mail Welcome Packets to new clients

Virtual Office Assistance

Data entry
Power Point/Prezi presentations
Create welcome/informational packets
Internet research
Creating manuals or reference materials
Survey management
Create forms
Convert Word documents to PDF documents

Desktop Publishing



Coordinate seminars and meetings
Preparation of materials
Schedule bridge line for teleseminars
Coordinate registration
Respond to emails/answer questions of participants
Send notes to participants